All for the want of $24,500

Posted by Jim Jagielski on Friday, August 24. 2007 in Junk Drawer

For those with a little extra spending cash: Robot


Posted by Jim Jagielski on Thursday, August 23. 2007 in Junk Drawer

So, Sun is going to change its stock ticker symbol from SUNW to JAVA. Why? Because, basically, people know Java (since it is "near infinite to the internet") and its " ubiquitous logo", and not that many people know Sun. And heck, after all, they put a lot of time and resources into the Java brand and crafting the impression that it's "Java or Nothing" ("Java is for Enterprise; everything else are tinker toys") ... They should benefit from some of that. But tell me, for a company that puts soooo much into Java, how much are they really going to be willing to, now more than ever, care what the community thinks as far as direction, goals, specifications, etc... for Java. The next several months will be very telling indeed. Here's hoping Sun does the Right Thing, for Java's sake.

My thumbs are too big

Posted by Jim Jagielski on Wednesday, August 15. 2007 in Junk Drawer

Thanks to Dan for sharing this on IM: iThumbs

iLife '08

Posted by Jim Jagielski on Tuesday, August 14. 2007 in Junk Drawer

Wow. iPhoto requires an immediate software upgrade. iDVD crashes and requires removing old themes and convincing the installer to reinstall them. iMovie crashes when updating an iPhoto library. iMovie is unable to open or use old iMovie HD projects with anything close to reliability. I don't use iWeb and have been afraid to even try Garageband now... I've never had anything even remotely close to this kind of trouble with any Apple product (h/w or s/w) ever before... weird.

Tiny tidbits

Posted by Jim Jagielski on Thursday, August 2. 2007 in Junk Drawer

As fun as vacations are, they don't seem as relaxing as they used to be. The reason is obvious: what with cell phones and now near universal cell and Net access, you are never, truly "away." So you always feel that pull... That's a darn shame. I miss the days when registrars were just, well, registrars. Yep, I've been bitten by the photography bug. Seems v. common now, especially among techies. IMO, Java is a success despite the best intentions of entities continually trying to *force* it to be a success. But I don't know how much longer that will last. Eileen and I are coming up on our 21st wedding anniversary. 21. Years. Where did the time go? So PHP4 is being end-of-lifed at the end of the year. I wonder what 20/20 hindsight a year from now will determine about that decision... I wish I could find a cheap MacMini or Mac Cube. Like $200. Or even an iBook around that price. So far, no luck. Why am I always running out of disk space? I should have waited and gotten the Intel Quad MacPro instead of the Quad G5... rats. Rise of the Silver Surfer wasn't as good as I hoped, but wasn't as bad as I feared. Transformers on the other hand was spot-on regarding my expectations. But the bots were very visually confusing, imo... And I'm eagerly awaiting Iron Man. "Milk was a bad choice"

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