
Posted by Jim Jagielski on Friday, April 18. 2008 in Technology

As a true geek fanboy, with the Iron Man movie coming out so soon, this story about a "super transistor" has quite a synchronicity factor, doncha think?


Posted by Jim Jagielski on Tuesday, April 15. 2008 in Technology

Been quite busy lately. $Dayjob is getting even more ramped up, somewhat due to the buzz created from the merger/acquisition but also simply because open source in IT is expanding like a fiend in and of itself and Covalent/SpringSource is a known leader in that area. There was, of course, ApacheCon EU 2008 which was a total success IMO, but also a whirlwind event for me. Within the ASF there is a lot going on as well, both regarding the various projects but also administratively as well. On the personal side, there also seems a rush in people contacting me to do some keynotes, some outreach as well as join some advisory teams. Factor in just the busyness with also having a social life and a family (and their social life - as the boys get more involved, Mom and Dad get quite busy *grin*) and I'm likely busier now than ever. And I'm loving it.

SIP softphone

Posted by Jim Jagielski on Thursday, April 3. 2008 in Technology

When I updated to Leopard 10.5.2, X-Lite no longer worked, so I needed to purchase eyeBeam. Anyway, the latest version of eyeBeam is out: So is another build of X-Lite, which may, or may not, work with 10.5.2.

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