I join OSI
Posted by Jim Jagielski on Thursday, March 17. 2011 in Open Source
Yesterday I learned that, along with Karl Fogel and Mike Godwin, I was elected to serve on the Board of Directors (BoD) of the Open Source Initiative (OSI). I consider this a great honor, joining the ranks of the great FOSS luminaries of this esteemed organization.
I am also very excited by the changes and the challenges that the coming year holds for OSI, as they... we move to a member, representational model. This is, of course, the logical outcome from OSI moving from being the stewards of the Open Source Definition, to being, for lack of a better term, stewards of Open Source itself. There are, after all, quite a number of open source foundations out there, including the ASF (which I'm also on the BoD of, as well as President), the FSF and Outercurve (which I am on the BoD as well). But just as all these FOSS entities share a common license type, there are also other shared concepts which are core and central to the whole milieu of Open Source, a sort of common ground. And OSI is ideally suited to serve as the focal point for that common ground, a "United Nations" kind of entity.
As successful as Open Source has been, it is clear that there is still much to be done... much FUD to be cleared away, much more "evangelism" to be done, and fostering the continued use of FOSS methodologies outside of the traditional "software development" space. And I'm proud to be part of an organization which is wholeheartedly behind all those efforts, and more.
Exciting times ahead indeed.
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