Amsterdam and ApacheCon EU 2008
Posted by Jim Jagielski on Saturday, April 5. 2008 in ASF
If you follow PlanetApache, the fashionable thing to be doing now is talking about ApacheCon EU 2008, either regarding one's preparations on getting there, what you will be doing while there or comments regarding the ongoing, internal discussions regarding ApacheCon in general.... think I'll jump right on in!
For me, the hardest part about getting prepared is syncing my MacBook and MacPro. I use my MacBook pretty much only when traveling, and do everything else on my MacPro. So when it's time to be away for awhile, I need to rsync a bunch of stuff. And this takes time. A loooooonnnnnnngggggg time. I'm sure there are easier ways to do this, but I do it so infrequently that I deal with the pain and move on.
Then of course there is the actual event of traveling itself. As I've previously blogged about, this is very much a non-productive time for me. So I see travel time pretty much as wasted time, and, to be honest, when things are busy, I can't waste any of it. So even though I try, I know that I'm falling behind. Combine this with the facts that (1) traveling is no longer fun or easy and (2) I get quite anxious flying, especially large distances, that "getting there" is the worse part about "being there."
Once at Amsterdam, I'm looking forward to the week. As with most people, I'll be staying at the Moevenpick, Amsterdam City Centre. Look for me. In addition to my 2 talks, I'm going to be attending several sessions (reminder to self: sign up to be session chair!) and will be hanging out at the Covalent/SpringSource booth when I can.
I'm sure I owe you a beer!
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