Microsoft buys stake in Facebook

Posted by Jim Jagielski on Thursday, October 25. 2007 in Junk Drawer

It's deja vu all over again.

PlanetApache - Update

Posted by Jim Jagielski on Thursday, October 18. 2007 in Junk Drawer

It's back. Thanks again to Thom!


Posted by Jim Jagielski on Tuesday, October 16. 2007 in Junk Drawer

In case you hadn't noticed, PlanetApache is down. The site is a labour of love for Thom May who just happens to be on vacation right now (isn't that always the way it is?). What a fun thing to come back to... In any case, I'm sure I'm not the first nor last to say how useful the site is; I owe Thom a beer. In the meantime, Sam Ruby has setup an incredible simulation.

Continuing a trend

Posted by Jim Jagielski on Tuesday, October 2. 2007 in Junk Drawer

Well, although 2 points define a line, it doesn't really describe a "trend", but I like the title anyway. I offer this to compliment this.

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